Innvivo makes comeback on stage with four concerts!
Innvivo comes to mind when you hear the words poetry, hip-hop, and electronic music. Our favorite trio from Bordeaux is coming back on stage with its specific music aesthetic hybrid; inviting the auditor to embark upon a contemplative journey. Mark your calendars.

As a reminder, Innvivo is the hip-hop jazz band, that we have been supporting for a while now, and gathers Hugo Raducanu (voice, lyrics & percussion), Clément Laval (guitar, keyboard, voice), and Thomas Carretero (artwork).
They released already three EPs, the latest named ‘Pays Sage’ (2019) has been praised unanimously by critics: “it’s the perfect blend of Jacques Brel and Oxmo Puccino” (Les Oreilles Curieuses).
Upcoming concerts:
- 24 March 2022 – Rennes (L’antre2café) ;
- 15 April 2022 – Dax (Chez Nous) ;
- 16 April 2022 – Bordeaux (Quartier Libre) ;
- 5 May 2022 – Cestas (media library)
Besides, they will have a residency at the Krakatoa (Bordeaux), from the 11th to the 13th of April to prepare their upcoming concerts. Innvivo has joined the incubator of the Krakatoa for 2022 – in case you missed it. Some exciting news is coming up soon.
Their new show will be a combination of their passions, ideals, and hearts.
To wait until the show, you can listen to their albums L’or du Monde and Pays Sage on your favorite music platform, like Spotify.
And this year there is more to come so stay tuned.