J-Silk opened for Curtis Harding in Besançon!
J-Silk opened the Curtis Harding show in Besançon, at La Rodia, on March 22.

Here are some of the best moments captured by a talented photographer.
As a reminder, J-Silk is the “Future Soul” duo from Bordeaux, formed by Joana Rives (lyrics) and Louis Gaffney (bass), who joined us a few months ago. A duo of creative atoms fueled by soul, hip hop and electro, J-Silk sculpts a hybrid and composite music. During the next concerts you will be able to discover this energetic duo live.
With their third EP Dreaming Awake, J-Silk has introduced us to new sounds that resonate very well with the swing of Curtis Harding.
The spectators could be transported in their universe and live a magic moment with them. The return of the standing concerts brought a wave of joy to the whole audience. You can see it in the photos taken the night of the show by Patrice Guyon.

To wait until their next show, you can listen to their songs on your favorite streaming platform, like Spotify, and on YouTube, if you want to watch the clip of Wonderland, released last autumn.
To don’t miss any hot news, follow them on Instagram.