25 March 2020
The track ‘Go To Shanghai’ is recording more than 5,500 streamings
Last Friday, the Atrisma jazz band has released its first track ‘Go To Shanghaï’.
Atrisma HD Chrone
It has been immediately added to the State of Jazz playlist on Spotify!
This is good news for the band, which has already been recorded more than 6,000 stream(ing)s on the platform.
This is also a good start for our recording label ‘Grain(s) de Riz’, since it has been the first releasing.
Meanwhile, the release of the EP ‘Chrone’ is planned for the 3rd April, you can still listen ‘Go To Shanghaï’ on Itunes, Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music => https://orcd.co/gotoshanghai!
The original concert’s date was scheduled on the 3rd April at the Rocher de Palmer is postponed.