Happy Anniversary Manag’Art!
On Blue Monday or the most depressing day of the year, we have every reason to smile as we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of Manag’Art.
It would be difficult to summarize all our adventures in one sentence. But one thing is for sure, we have learned and grown so much in the 5 years.
Our artists
To have a better idea of what we have accomplished over the last couple of years. We are going to recall all the moments that marked these 5 years. First, we have to mention the artists supported by our organization: Atrisma, Innvivo, Robin & The Woods, and more recently, J-Silk and Amalia Umeda Quartet, because they are the first to help us grow. Thanks to them, we had the opportunity to go on tour abroad, to Martinique, China, Spain, and Romania. With the same values, solidarity, exchange, and sharing, we created our own label, Grain(s) de Riz to offer deeper support to our artists. And to help the emerging jazz brands in a concrete way, we set up an incubator, ‘La Pépinière Jazz’.
Manag’art Partners
We must not forget that our growth has been marked by the Covid, which forced us to reinvent ourselves. We wanted to make the best of this period by developing our skills and knowledge. That’s the reason why we joined MEWEM, a mentoring program for women entrepreneurs in the music industry and Footprints Europe, a project for supporting young agents and artists through mentoring and that will be concluded with the organization of a tour in the Nordic countries for Amalia Umeda Quartet by the end of the year.
All this was important for our growth, we have been able to hire permanent staff. It is a further step towards our structuring. Besides, we would like to thank all the people who worked for Manag’Art during the last 5 years. We would like to thank Rocher de Palmer as well, for all the goodwill and opportunities they have offered. In particular our offices in the incubator of the concert hall.